When we get to know ourself and embrace the wholeness of who we are,
process of clearing
can become easy and effortless.
As Humans, we reside in the phisical body,
we have mind
- or rather, we are connected to the soup of stored information in the Field of what IS.
Our Soul experiences what IS,
through the the phisical world.
Through the phisical,
our Soul experiences Life, creates Life..
To create Life,
is to establish the clarity of who we are.
A Soul having a phisical experience here on Earth.
To deeply experience the Feminine and Masculine building blocks of the phisical experience of the Soul.
The Feminine, Subconscious part of our make up as a human, stores information/ blueprint
of what we are capeble of creating.
The Masculine, conscious part, faithful to the blueprint,
creates the reality from what is availeble… Availeble in the information contained in the storage.
When we dive into the Feminine/ the Darkness/ the Subconcious, and start to recognise the quality of the programs stored in there, we can start to understand why our life is the way it is.
Why do we create situations we do.
Why there are patterns in our behaviours, our experiences, our results..
why we communicate, eat, make love, work, raise our children…
the way we do.
To take responsibility for what we create,
is to pause,
and consciously take out the programs from the Subconcious Mind,
which are causing creation of the paradimes we not longer want to experience.
We need to ask ourself an important question:
*What do I want to experience?
And as it was done with the coding of an old program, we code the new way…
We code in the Subconcious the image and feeling of what we want.
So the Conscious mind can respond, and create on the base of the new coding.
There is couple of ways this process can be appled.
One thing is sure, it is
Simple and natural for us.
What this process requires is persistency, imagination, intuition, memory, reasoning and will.
This process will help you to get out the ideas of being attracted, being a victim, need to dominate or rescue, and much much more.
This process changes the whole of Your Life.
You create the Life you want to experience, with all responsibility of your outcomes.
We create our own reality, there is no one who will save us from taking this responsibility,
and sooner or later, depending on Your own choice, we will all face it.
Its really empowering to be able to realise,
that all we experience is a consequence
of our own relationship between
the Feminine and Masculine
( Subconscious and Conscious) aspects of the Mind manifested in the phisical body/ realm.
In the smoke of the pure medicine this realms become more accessible, tangeble, visible…
We can easy shift the old through movement, sound, breath…
And other divination tools.
I am truly honored to be able offer one to one sessions
to those who are ready to unravel the True of who they are.
You can find my offerings at:
As a guest at the workshops and events,
I lead powerful breathing and prana baths in collaboration with sound and movement, I guide you through the fire.
If the time is Yours to transcend the old story, get in touch 🧬🦋🧬
LeiLah KA